Chat: Interreligious dialogue – Crossed views in France and West Africa

Dear members and friends of the Africa World Institute (AMI), The entire IAM team is pleased to invite you to its next conference, organized on Friday, June 21, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Arrupe Room, At 42 Rue de Grenelle, Paris 75007. (Metro: Lines 10/12 Sèvres Babylone, Line 12 Rue du Bac)

The constitution of a workshop Religious pluralism: 5 Ancestorship…

In the previous posts, we have just gone through several topos and identified the situations from which the different religious traditions emerge, necessarily making comparisons. The thinking of Ancestorship obeys a plural logic and thus provides a solution to two difficulties intrinsic to religious pluralism: the relations between man and the powers of the invisible

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