Denis Maugenest’s speech at the UCAC colloquium in 2012

Paper at the UBCA colloquium (10-11 May 2012) : Identity and Mission of the Catholic University in Africa: Civilization, Culture and Faith Introduction: Why does a ‘European’ still speak?… of knowledge… or of hope? Thank you, Mr Rector, Mr Moderator, and all of you dear Friends, for inviting me to this colloquium on the 20th

Interview with Denis Maugenest

Denis Maugenest, Jesuit: “I refuse certainties and continue to seek the truth”. Feb 23, 2014 09:00 Jesuit, doctor of theology, professor of political science, creator of university institutions in Africa, Father Denis Maugenest has just completed a stay in Mauritius. Invited by the Cardinal Jean Margéot Institute, he gave a series of conferences on living

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