Mutoy Mubiala, Official at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva; visiting professor at the International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg) and at the Ecole nationale d’administration (Paris). The views expressed in this column are personal and do not bind the United Nations. After contributing to the development of international criminal justice,
Author: admin-institut
Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Central Africa: what strategic vision for Chad and Cameroon ?
This note was published in the Multi-Year Observatory of Sociopolitical and Security Issues in Equatorial Africa and the Gulf Islands of Guinea, Groupe de Recherche et d’Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité (GRIP), January 22, 2015. Analysis note By Germain-Herve MBIA, Governance, Peace and Security Programme Officer at the Institut Afrique Monde (IAM) Introduction
The Normative Force of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity
By Jean-Baptiste HARELIMANA, President of the Orientation Council, IAM. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, and especially in the face of the current challenges of the power of the digital age, and the plural referentials that challenge not only cultural
The Challenges of the African Emergence
By Germain-Hervé Mbia Yebega, Political Scientist, Governance, Peace and Security Programme Officer at the Africa World Institute The emergence of Africa is at the heart of many debates and arouses many passions in Africa as elsewhere. But what emergence are we talking about? And what is in this catch-all notion that is found all over
Burundi: The Forward Flight
By Germain-Hervé MBIA YEBEGA, Political Scientist, Head of the “Governance, Peace and Security” programme, Africa World Institute The article was also published by Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group, December 14, 2015. Read the article.
ECOWAS Judge and the Burkinabe Democratic Revolution
By Jean-François AKANDJI-KOMBÉ, Professor at the Sorbonne Law School, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, President of IpaP – Pan-African Institute of Action and Prospective I- Decision and issues The decision, as all Africa now knows, is that of 13 July 2015. The judge is the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African
Towards a new climate agreement
By Chancia I. PLAINE, Environmental Lawyer Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) is a proposal for a climate change mitigation mechanism that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by paying developing countries to stop cutting down their forests. The concept of REDD is not a new idea. Compensation for tropical forest conservation was proposed by
The common and land ownership law
By Étienne Le Roy is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology of Law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne /LAJP Summary : In addition to purely private goods (rival and exclusive) and purely public goods (non-rival and non-exclusive) such as lighting, there are hybrid or mixed goods, both exclusive and non-rivalrous, such as bridges and
The constitution of a workshop Religious pluralism: 6. inter-spirituality…
In this post, Denis Maugenest invites us to an ethics of dialogue without which no pluralism is possible. Religious traditions are a path of elevation towards a first being whom some call “God”, where weeds and good grain mingle. We have no right to see and propagate only what is thought to be “the chaff”.