One New Year’s Day in 2012, I met this exceptional man for the first time. I had come to Paris to follow the production of a book by Editions l’Harmattan. In the company of André Julien Mbem, at the time, Director of Collection in this Publishing House, and Émile Mosely Batamak, we went to 42
Author: admin-institut
Denis Maugenest’s Resume
Abidjan, December 15, 2010 Born in 1938 (age 72). After his studies in law, economics and political science, he was admitted to the ENA (December 1961), which he did not join on his return from Algeria and Germany: he gave up senior civil service and joined the Society of Jesus (Jesuit) in 1963 – where
Tributes to Father Denis Maugenest
Farewell to Denis, a faithful companion and friend Interspersed paths In 1965-1966, I found myself in my first year of philosophy at Chantilly with a certain MAUGENEST Dionysius, both registered in the province of Paris. But we lost sight of each other immediately in the second year and our paths of formation diverged. This brief
Denis Maugenest’s speech at the UCAC colloquium in 2012
Paper at the UBCA colloquium (10-11 May 2012) : Identity and Mission of the Catholic University in Africa: Civilization, Culture and Faith Introduction: Why does a ‘European’ still speak?… of knowledge… or of hope? Thank you, Mr Rector, Mr Moderator, and all of you dear Friends, for inviting me to this colloquium on the 20th
Interview with Denis Maugenest
Denis Maugenest, Jesuit: “I refuse certainties and continue to seek the truth”. Feb 23, 2014 09:00 Jesuit, doctor of theology, professor of political science, creator of university institutions in Africa, Father Denis Maugenest has just completed a stay in Mauritius. Invited by the Cardinal Jean Margéot Institute, he gave a series of conferences on living
Reading Note: Human Resource Management and Communication in Africa (by Hongbing Yang and Lyna Laure Amana)
Jean Bernard Bruneteaux is a human resources (HR) expert. He held the HR function for 30 years, including 22 years as a director. One of the founders and member of the Institut Afrique Monde (IAM), he defends African culture and promotes a self-managed Africa for itself. By teaching and writing a book on human resources
Tribute to Pr. Albert Tevoedjre (former sponsor)
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the death of Professor Albert Tévoédjrè, godfather and founding member of the Africa World Institute, on November 6, 2019 in Porto Novo. Born in 1929, Albert Tévoédjrè, an emblematic figure of African diplomacy, was the promoter of interreligious dialogue, peace and the fight against inequality in Africa.
Reading Note: Foccart Networks, The Secret Businessman
Jean-Pierre Bat: paleographer archivist, was responsible for the “Foccart collection” at the National Archives. This collection consists of Jacques Foccart’s personal archives and his service at the Elysée, the General Secretariat for African and Malagasy Affairs. The richness of this archival, heritage and historical ensemble makes it possible to clarify, and even to understand, many
Photos – Conference by Prof. Kako Nubukpo: “The African Emergency: Changing the Growth Model!”
Conference by Prof. Kako NUBUKPO on his latest publication: “The African Emergency: Changing the Growth Model!”